Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Happy May 21st

Happy May 21st to my handsome missionary out there! I love days like today that give you a reason to go back to all those happy memories. I wouldn't want him anywhere else, but days like these make me feel like he's so close:) So hold on there while I go back down memory lane for a minute:)

One year ago to this day, I went to go see Patch in one of our schools end of the year shows. I went all by myself so I could actually see him after. I was so excited to see him, cause of course I was head over heals for that boy. Well he never came out after the show. I waited and waited until one of my friends asked me if I could take her home. I was so disappointed I wasn't going to get to see him, but I said I would take her home. We were walking out to the parking lot when I heard Patch yell, "Hey you, wait!" All of a sudden, I was sad to say she would need to find a knew way home! That night was just different, I was so excited to see him. We had been dating a while before then but things were going just too good! We were sitting on the edge of my truck when I heard him say three of my favorite words. I LOVE YOU. I think it's safe to say that I was smiling the whole way home. It's not everyday that you meet your best friend your sophomore year of High School and then completely fall in love with them. But It sure can happen:) 

I'm so happy with how my life is right now. I love being home, going to school, working, and starting projects I've always wanted to do. Life couldn't be better. Even though a very big part of my life is out serving the Lord right now, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm so proud of him. 

So here's to us Patch, I loved you then and sure do love you now. 

*Every story has to have a picture:)