Thursday, May 29, 2014

A little late on the blogging...

I haven't blogged for so long! I like to say that it's because my life is just ordinary and the only exciting things to share that might actually be interesting to anyone other than me don't happen too often. But honestly I just am a lazy blogger! However a lot of exciting things have happened 
this past month that are worth sharing:)
I have to consider myself extremely blessed that I was given Adrienne for a best friend. We have too many memories to count and she's always been and will be my "tums twin!" I have to be completely honest though, when I got the phone call saying she was engaged... my heart was SO sad but SO happy at the same time. I know I win the worst friend in the world award. I was thinking I would never see her again (I know i'm so dramatic!) But after a couple minutes of feeling sorry for myself I was So So happy for her. I can honestly say that the past couple months of phone calls and getting together to try on dresses have been some of the best memories yet. I think we've become just that much closer and I'm pretty sure my mom was very sick of me talking about weddings everyday because I was so excited for that wedding. I don't think there is a more perfect couple in the world. They are so in love and trust me, she deserved only the best and I know she found it. Joe is a great guy and I am so happy for them! May 10th was such a happy day and I felt so lucky to have been able to have been a part of that special day. We've joked about hanging out as married couples for so long and to tell you the truth I am so excited for that day to come. I hope she knows that even though she's married now she still has to hang out with me and my future hubby;) Sorry to be that girl that talks about weddings every second... it's kinda my favorite topic lately haha... 
 I love this Mrs.
 They are so cute!!

 Isn't she the most beautiful bride:)

Another topic I never get bored of is missionaries...especially if their name is Patrick:) Patrick hit his 7 Months Left mark this month! I think it's safe to say I fall for him just a little bit harder everyday. I have loved being able to see the effect a mission has had on his life. He is so happy. He has made such a strong impact on my life being able to see how much he loves his Savior. I feel so grateful that I have been lucky enough to have been able to be apart of this journey with him this far. I never knew I would spend this much time at the mailbox. I'm so thankful that each week I get to open up my mailbox and hear about his wonderful adventures. I'm so proud of him and always will be. But this month also marked two years since Patrick told me he loved me:) May 21st will always be one of my favorite days. Stories like that one will always be memories to treasure. He makes me so happy and I feel so blessed that I was the one with him that special day. 

This past weekend was Memorial Day and my family and I went to visit my sweet Grandparents that have passed away. I never met my Grandpa John but I always love getting to hear stories about him. I feel like I know him in someway. But he had to of been someone very special to be good enough for my Grandma John. She is someone I miss all of the time. She brought our family together and always has been someone I hoped to become. I treasure the memories I have with her and can't wait to tell my own family about their Great Grandma John. Well it wouldn't be memorial day without a visit to the smithfield cemetery to visit my sweet Grandpa Memmott and uncle. This tradition is one that has been going on since I can remember. I'm thankful for the traditions my family has carried on. They have given us just one more reason to come together. And even though we weren't able to be in Arizona our hearts were definitely with our sweet baby Payson. I definitely have a lot of angels watching over me. Happy Memorial Day!

It was a wonderful month and I have such a wonderful life:)

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

April Fools Day Is My Favorite Day

I LOVE April Fools Day! I think it has to be one of my favorite silly holidays! I think a day full of laughs and fun jokes is something everyone could use. I know I'm 20 and I probably shouldn't still be pulling pranks but I can't help it! My poor husband, he will hate this day;)

I was lucky to have a family that got into days like today. Whether it was red jello in the cups, instead of punch or fake black eyes, scorpion bites, fake spiders, or of course the head showing up. April Fools Day has always been a fun day at my house.

Today I realized how sweet my family is because I guess I pulled a April Fools joke a little too close to home today and they all reacted in the most thoughtful ways...while I was dying, laughing so hard! I sent a text out to my sisters that said,

"I thought I would let everyone know what has been going on today. 
Last night I had a horrible pain in my side and it got much worse this 
afternoon so dad just drove me up to the doctors and turns out the 
bottom screw broke loose. They are taking me in for surgery in the 
next half hour to an hour. You can see it in the picture. 
Everything should go smoothly though. Love you."

*This picture was attached*
(I guess I have a little too much time on my hands to be photoshopping floating screws hahaha)

No sooner after I sent the text my sweet sister called my dad asking if we were really at the hospital hahaha My niece texted me and said, "That was not funny, I was worried about you. Stop pulling jokes!" They even prayed for me at dinner! haha I'm horrible. I figure if anyone can pull a joke like that, it's me. I deserve to have a little fun after going through that surgery! 
So I would say this April Fools Day has been one of the very best yet! 

Friday, February 21, 2014

The Blessing Book

My last post was a little on the negative side of things. But then again life was a whole different story a month ago and some days just weren't all sunshine and rainbows. However, today I was thinking how wonderful life really is and how all negative thoughts can be changed if only we decide to see the positive side of it. Ever since my surgery I've kept a "Blessing Book." Each night before bed I write down all the tender mercies or answers to prayers I've seen or received during that day. This has helped me stay positive during the tough moments or days were I'm not feeling my best. But it's also helped me see the love my Savior has for me and the love my family has shown me. It may seem silly but today I received such a perfect tender mercy. I decided to go for a walk on this beautiful sunny day and as I was about halfway up the street (I was thankful no one was with me) because I couldn't stop crying. I was thinking back two months ago to when I couldn't even walk. Standing took all the strength I had and even then I had to have two nurses lift me out of the bed. Soon after, just being able to take the walker down the hallway was one big accomplishment in itself and I was very deserving of a long nap. Last month I could hardly make it past five houses up the street while my dad held onto my arm. Each day these little accomplishments of being able to get one house further or putting the walker down in storage became things to celebrate. Something that was so natural and easy, such as walking was taken away from me. It shook up my world for awhile there. But today when I walked around the block I felt a little bit like I had just ran a marathon. The sun seemed to be shining a little brighter too. So today in my blessing book it's going to say, "I'm thankful I can walk." (one day when my kids read this...they will think their mom had lost it.) But truthfully I am amazed at where I was and where I am. Each day is a gift that I hope to never take for granted again. 

PS- I Love February! 

Friday, January 3, 2014

The Secret Is Finally Out...And I've Never Been So Happy!

I was in seventh grade when the school nurse told me to bend over so she could run her long finger down my spine. Little did I know that day would eventually change my whole life. I was told the news that I needed to see a chiropractor as soon as possible. Later that week my parents took me to the local chiropractor up the street. We took xray after xray and were told I had Scoliosis. I wasn't that worried since a lot of the woman in my family also have this and they look as perfect as can be. My chiropractor didn't feel the same way however. I started seeing the chiropractor two to three times a week. He would hook me up to wet electric sponges, pop my back, neck, (basically everything), and strap me into a suit that was hooked to the wall and make me run on the treadmill. I would be lying if I said I enjoyed any of it. With an initial spinal curve of 43 degrees we hadn't seen any progress over the next year of constant chiropractor visits. We decided I should be fitted for a back brace. For the next two years I wore a plastic brace that fit snug against my hips and waist. I would get strapped into this brace everyday for at least 18 hours. (which meant I refused to wear this to school) NO ONE could find out about this secret of mine. I was so embarrased that my hips weren't even, or that my shoulders didn't line up or yup, my butt was a little bigger than the next persons. I couldn't let anyone know. 
Two years had passed and no change had been made. Luckily my curve hadn't gotten worse, but it hadn't gotten better either. Since I was starting high school now I decided it was time to tuck that brace under my bed and say goodbye to the chiropractor for good. I went all through high school without any of my friends finding out about "my secret." There was the occasional back ache but nothing I couldn't handle. I was finally finding that self confidence I had lost for a bit and I was happier than ever. I tried everyday to shift my hips over and lift up one of my shoulders so I could look normal. Life was good and I was happy!
It was time for college and I don't think I've ever had as much fun in my whole life as I did last year. Well second semester had hit and so did a lot of back pain. I hadn't had back pain like this ever and I started to get worried. I really didn't know much about Scoliosis but I wasn't so dumb that I didn't realize it could cause serious problems down the road. After months of talking to my parents I made the decision that I needed to change schools. This came as a surprise to a lot of people and a lot of people heard a lot of made up reasons why I was changing schools. I still couldn't get up the courage to tell anyone about this part of my life. I knew exactly why I was changing schools and why it seemed like the worst decision at the time, I don't think I have ever been happier. 
About six months ago I found out that my scoliosis had increased from an initial curvature of 43 degrees to 58 degrees. I was having constant back pain and it was obvious it was only going to get worse. My spine was affecting my lungs, my ribs, and could cause serious heart damage. It was obvious that a Spinal Fusion was the only answer. 
On December 16, 2013 I recieved the greatest blessing in the whole world. I have perfectly lined up hips, and my shoulders are finally even. My back is STRAIGHT. That seems silly but this was the biggest life changing experience for me. This ten hour surgery was the scariest thing I have ever done in my entire life. I can't bend, I can't twist, and I can't lift anything over ten pounds. I lay in bed most the day while my sweet family picks up the remote I dropped on the floor, or feeds me dinner, puts on my socks, takes off my socks when I get too hot, holds my hand as I walk, wakes up every two hours to get me my pills, and never once complains. My heart has never felt so much love from everyone. I have been blessed beyond belief. The countless cards, flowers, candy, gifts, and visits have meant more than anyone could ever know. Sometimes I don't understand how I got so blessed. My life has been perfect and I am so completely happy. I wish I could run around and show everyone how good of a job my doctors did! But I have to remember no one really wants to see a giant scar down my back. So instead I'll just say how thankful I am for such talented doctors there are in the world. I have never been so happy in my whole entire life. My Heavenly Father has been my constant comfortor and has been there with me every step of the way. Not once have I ever felt alone during this crazy process. I have been so blessed and I could never explain to someone how thankful I am. I've been given a new life. A healthy life. But most of all, such a happy life. 
This surgery changed my life in more ways than just physical. I will never take the littlest of things for granted again. I have been humbled in so many ways and I thank my Heavenly Father for this experience every single day. I am so happy and can't wait to continue life with my "new back!" 
So I guess the secret is finally out and I couldn't be anymore excited!
Before and after I had 2 rods and 21 screws placed in my spine. Isn't this incredible!!!
I was so excited!
Life is still good:)
This is the only "gross" picture I promise! 
Just hangin in there:) 
My incredible Doctors
My Favorite Visitor!
Learning how to walk!
We're Headin Home:)
I have the sweetest family in the world!
Who knew walking up the stairs could be such a workout.
My beautiful sister has been the best "baby sitter"
I'm finally as tall as my sisters!
I am so happy and Life is wonderful:)