Thursday, May 29, 2014

A little late on the blogging...

I haven't blogged for so long! I like to say that it's because my life is just ordinary and the only exciting things to share that might actually be interesting to anyone other than me don't happen too often. But honestly I just am a lazy blogger! However a lot of exciting things have happened 
this past month that are worth sharing:)
I have to consider myself extremely blessed that I was given Adrienne for a best friend. We have too many memories to count and she's always been and will be my "tums twin!" I have to be completely honest though, when I got the phone call saying she was engaged... my heart was SO sad but SO happy at the same time. I know I win the worst friend in the world award. I was thinking I would never see her again (I know i'm so dramatic!) But after a couple minutes of feeling sorry for myself I was So So happy for her. I can honestly say that the past couple months of phone calls and getting together to try on dresses have been some of the best memories yet. I think we've become just that much closer and I'm pretty sure my mom was very sick of me talking about weddings everyday because I was so excited for that wedding. I don't think there is a more perfect couple in the world. They are so in love and trust me, she deserved only the best and I know she found it. Joe is a great guy and I am so happy for them! May 10th was such a happy day and I felt so lucky to have been able to have been a part of that special day. We've joked about hanging out as married couples for so long and to tell you the truth I am so excited for that day to come. I hope she knows that even though she's married now she still has to hang out with me and my future hubby;) Sorry to be that girl that talks about weddings every second... it's kinda my favorite topic lately haha... 
 I love this Mrs.
 They are so cute!!

 Isn't she the most beautiful bride:)

Another topic I never get bored of is missionaries...especially if their name is Patrick:) Patrick hit his 7 Months Left mark this month! I think it's safe to say I fall for him just a little bit harder everyday. I have loved being able to see the effect a mission has had on his life. He is so happy. He has made such a strong impact on my life being able to see how much he loves his Savior. I feel so grateful that I have been lucky enough to have been able to be apart of this journey with him this far. I never knew I would spend this much time at the mailbox. I'm so thankful that each week I get to open up my mailbox and hear about his wonderful adventures. I'm so proud of him and always will be. But this month also marked two years since Patrick told me he loved me:) May 21st will always be one of my favorite days. Stories like that one will always be memories to treasure. He makes me so happy and I feel so blessed that I was the one with him that special day. 

This past weekend was Memorial Day and my family and I went to visit my sweet Grandparents that have passed away. I never met my Grandpa John but I always love getting to hear stories about him. I feel like I know him in someway. But he had to of been someone very special to be good enough for my Grandma John. She is someone I miss all of the time. She brought our family together and always has been someone I hoped to become. I treasure the memories I have with her and can't wait to tell my own family about their Great Grandma John. Well it wouldn't be memorial day without a visit to the smithfield cemetery to visit my sweet Grandpa Memmott and uncle. This tradition is one that has been going on since I can remember. I'm thankful for the traditions my family has carried on. They have given us just one more reason to come together. And even though we weren't able to be in Arizona our hearts were definitely with our sweet baby Payson. I definitely have a lot of angels watching over me. Happy Memorial Day!

It was a wonderful month and I have such a wonderful life:)